I am excited to announce that I have accepted a faculty position at the University of Wisconsin–Madison! Starting in a couple weeks, I will join the Optimization Group at the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery. My tenure home department will be Electrical and Computer Engineering. If you’re curious about my research and how I’ll fit in at Wisconsin, the WID published this profile about me.
The WID is a very collaborative place, so my hope is that the new position will be an opportunity for me to learn a great deal more about optimization, machine learning, and new engineering applications. At the same time, I will contribute my own expertise in control theory to help broaden the group’s reach and impact. Of course, I am also looking forward to teaching classes, mentoring students, and helping shape future research and teaching at Wisconsin–Madison. I feel very lucky and privileged to have this opportunity, and I could not have made it this far had it not been for the support of my friends, family, colleagues and mentors. Thank you all, and if you’re ever in the Madison area, drop me a line!