Laurent Lessard, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator
Milad Alipour Shahraki
Ph.D. Student in ECE
(Google Scholar) (Website)
Mohammad Hussein Yoosefian Nooshabadi
Ph.D. Student in MIE (Google Scholar)
Omar Farhat
Ph.D. Student in MIE (Google Scholar) (LinkedIn)
Guilherme Mainieri Eymael
Ph.D. Student in MIE (LinkedIn)
Matthew Wallace
M.S. Student in ECE (LinkedIn)
Christian Madali
M.S. Student in Robotics
co-advised w/ Rifat Sipahi

Former group members

Date of departure and subsequent position

  • Mruganka Kashyap (Ph.D. in ECE at Northeastern, 2023) — Controls Engineer at Indigo Technologies
    Thesis: Optimal decentralized control with delays (pdf)
  • Emily Jensen (Postdoc, 2021) — Tenure-track faculty at the University of Colorado Boulder
  • Akhil Sundararajan (Ph.D. in ECE at UW-Madison, 2021) — Computational Science Engineer at Q Bio
    Thesis: Analysis and design of distributed optimization algorithms (pdf)
  • Saman Cyrus (Ph.D. in ECE at UW-Madison, 2021) — Senior Control Algorithms Engineer at Johnson Controls
    Thesis: Stability of interconnected sector-bounded systems with application to designing optimization algorithms (pdf)
  • Bryan Van Scoy (Postdoc, 2020) — Tenure-track faculty at the Miami University of Ohio
  • Ragini Rathore (M.S. student in CS at UW-Madison, 2019)
  • Bin Hu (Postdoc, 2018) — Tenure-track faculty at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • David Dosher (M.S. student in CS at UW-Madison, 2017)