This week’s Riddler Classic is simple to state, but tricky to figure out:
What whole number dimensions can rectangular prisms have so that their volume (in cubic units) is the same as their surface area (in square units)?
Here is my solution:
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If the side lengths of the prism are $a,b,c$, then the volume being equal to the surface area implies that
abc = 2ab+2ac+2bc.
\]Let’s assume the side lengths are ordered, so $a \ge b \ge c$. We therefore have: $ab \ge ac \ge bc$. So $abc = 2ab+2ac+2bc \leq 6ab$. Simplifying, we obtain $c \leq 6$. We can now consider each case separately:
- If $c=6$, our equation reduces to $ab=3a+3b$. Rearranging and factoring, this is $(a-3)(b-3)=9$. Since $c=6$ was assumed to be the smallest side length, each of the factors $(a-3)$ and $(b-3)$ is at least $3$. So the only solution is $(6,6,6)$.
- If $c=5$, our equation reduces to $3ab=10a+10b \le 20a$. Therefore, $3b \le 20$ and so $b \le 6$. Since $c\le b$, this means we only have to check $b=5$ and $b=6$. Checking each case, we find the only solution is $(10,5,5)$.
- If $c=4$, our equation reduces to $ab=4a+4b$. Rearranging and factoring, this is $(a-4)(b-4)=16$. Each way of factoring $16$ as a product of two factors yields a different solution. These are: $16\times 1$, $8\times 2$, and $4\times 4$. The resulting $(a,b,c)$ triples are: $(20,5,4)$, $(12,6,4)$, $(8,8,4)$.
- If $c=3$, our equation reduces to $ab=6a+6b$. Rearranging and factoring, this is $(a-6)(b-6)=36$. Each way of factoring $36$ as a product of two factors yields a different solution. These are: $36\times 1$, $18\times 2$, $12\times 3$, $9\times 4$, $6\times 6$. The resulting triples are: $(42,7,3)$, $(24,8,3)$, $(18,9,3)$, $(15,10,3)$, $(12,12,3)$.
- If $c=2$, our equation reduces to $0=4a+4b$, which has no solutions.
- If $c=1$, our equation reduces to $0=ab+2a+2b$, which also has no solutions.
And that’s it! Overall, the problem has exactly 10 solutions. They are:
$(6,6,6)$, $(10,5,5)$, $(20,5,4)$, $(12,6,4)$, $(8,8,4)$, $(42,7,3)$, $(24,8,3)$, $(18,9,3)$, $(15,10,3)$, $(12,12,3)$.
Note: I assumed that “whole number” in this context means a positive integer. If we allow for side lengths of zero, then any degenerate prism with side lengths $(a,0,0)$ will have both area and volume equal to zero, so there are infinitely many solutions.
Another note: If there were some way to upper-bound $a$, then we could do an exhaustive numerical search to find all solutions because there would only be finitely many triples $(a,b,c)$ to search. Alas, I have not been able to find an upper bound on $a$. I suspect it might not be possible, since if we set $a\to\infty$, the problem reduces to $bc=2b+2c$, which is the 2D version of the problem (a rectangle whose area equals its perimeter)!
You can use ordering to show that c is at least 3, this leaves the most space for b, a. If c is 3 then b is at least 7, again maximizing a. If c is 3 and b is 7 then a is 42.
Fun fact is that in higher dimensions you can keep going along this route to get that if the max side for dimension d is m_d then m_{d+1}=m_d*(m_d+1)
Unfortunately this becomes really big really fast
This is really a nice solution. I got stumped by this one and thought it could be solved only by coding.
As someone who enjoys solving The Riddler as well, I always look forward to the way you approach these problems, it’s very cool! I just brute forced it in R like so: but I was left thinking about how to approach this more rigorously, so thanks for that.
This doesn’t use ordering, but tells me that: a>=3 and b>(2 a)/(a – 2) and c = (2 a b)/(a (b – 2) – 2 b). Does that provide any additional insight?
Divide your first equation by 2abc and it reduces to finding three unit fractions whose sum is 1/2. This feels much simpler, although the casework will be the same. The same idea works in higher dimensions: the answer is the number of ways to represent 1/2 as a sum of n unit fractions. Equivalently, it’s the number of ways to represent 1 as a sum of n+1 unit fractions, where one of the fractions must be 1/2. This implies an upper bound on the dimensions in terms of the Sylvester sequence.
It’s very surprising that the answer is not known for 7. According to, it was calculated in 2004 that there are 159330691 ways to express 1 as the sum of 8 unit fractions, and we just need to know how many of those contain the fraction 1/2. In general, the answer to this problem will be at most A002966(n+1) (set one of the n+1 fractions equal to 1/2), but at least A002966(n) (double all the denominators).
Hi, These 10 solutions are the same as those found by tesselation/tiling equations for 3 polygons of sides n. 4 such combinations tile the plane (e.g. 6,6,6, three hexagons, 4,8,8 two octagons and a square) while 6 are “forbidden”, including my favorite, the 42-gon! Can someone cleverer than I am explain why this appears to be the same math problem? Great job with this proof!