This holiday-themed Riddler problem is about probability:
In Santa’s workshop, elves make toys during a shift each day. On the overhead radio, Christmas music plays, with a program randomly selecting songs from a large playlist.
During any given shift, the elves hear 100 songs. A cranky elf named Cranky has taken to throwing snowballs at everyone if he hears the same song twice. This has happened during about half of the shifts. One day, a mathematically inclined elf named Mathy tires of Cranky’s sodden outbursts. So Mathy decides to use what he knows to figure out how large Santa’s playlist actually is.
Help Mathy out: How large is Santa’s playlist?
Here is my solution:
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This problem is short and sweet. The probability in question seems complicated, because there are so many different ways in which a song (or several songs) could repeat. This is made much easier by using complementarity. Namely:
\mathrm{Prob}(\text{at least one song repeats}) = 1-\mathrm{Prob}(\text{no songs repeat})
\]And the probability that no songs repeat is simply the probability that all songs are different. This is much easier to calculate! Let’s call $p$ the probability that at least one song gets played twice and let’s say there are $n$ different songs on the playlist. Then we have:
p &= 1-\mathrm{Prob}(\text{all }100\text{ songs are different})\\
&= 1-\frac{(\text{number of ways of picking }100\text{ different songs})}{(\text{number of ways of picking }100\text{ songs})}\\
&= 1-\frac{n(n-1)(n-2)\cdots(n-99)}{n^{100}} \\
&= 1-\binom{n}{100}\frac{100!}{n^{100}}
\end{align}Of course, this formula is only valid if $n\ge 100$. If there aren’t at least $100$ songs, then by the Pigeonhole Principle, a song getting picked twice is inevitable. The formula for the probability $p$ of hearing at least one repeated song as a function of the number of different songs $n$ is therefore:
p = \begin{cases}
1 & \text{if }1 \le n \le 99\\
1-\binom{n}{100}\frac{100!}{n^{100}} & \text{if }n \ge 100
We can make a plot of this function to see how it changes as a function of $n$:

As expected, the probability remains at or near $1$ for awhile, and then drops once the number of songs on the playlist gets very large. Searching near $p=0.5$ as stated in the problem, the closest candidate $n$ values are:
n=7174\quad&\implies\quad p=0.50002836 \\
n=7175\quad&\implies\quad p=0.49997983
\end{align}The closest to $p=0.5$ is attained by $n=7175$, so we’ll go with that!
I got the same answer, but I was surprised it was so high.
I really enjoy reading your solutions, Laurent. Happy holidays to you.
I arrived at this from the opposite end. After the first song plays, there is an $\frac{N – 1}{N}$ probability of a duplicate song playing; after the second, the probability of a duplicate song playing is $\frac{N-2}{N}$ and so on. Once $m$ songs have played, the probability of a duplicate song having played is thus $P_{dup} = \Pi_{k=0}^{m-1} \frac{N – k}{N}$. This doesn’t account for the fact that Grumpy throws a snowball at the radio if a duplicate plays, but that doesn’t matter for our purposes here.
It turns out that $\Pi_{k=0}^{m-1}(N-k)$ is defined as the “falling factorial” $(N)_m = N(N – 1)(N – 2) \cdots (N – (m – 1)$, which can be expressed in terms of the Gamma function as $(N)_k = \dfrac{\Gamma[N + 1]}{\Gamma[N – (m – 1)]}$. So our duplicate probability becomes $P_{dup} = \left(\frac{1}{N}\right)^m \dfrac{\Gamma[N + 1]}{\Gamma[N – m + 1]}$.
The nice thing about the Gamma function is that it retains its validity even for $N < m$ and will properly calculate the resultant zero probability of this case. If we want to simplify further, though, we can swap in factorials to end up with $P_{dup} = \left(\frac{1}{N}\right)^m \dfrac{N!}{(N – m)!}$ for $N \geq m$, which aligns with the complement of your result.
The slight downside here is that I had to rely on multi-precision arithmetic to actually compute these quantities (in Python) whereas a direct numerical evaluation of the product series gave the correct answer quickly and painlessly. Can't win them all.
My solution is like Laurent’s. I wrote code in Go to find the answer and run simulations to check it.
This is basically a twist on the oft-misunderstood birthday paradox, where it is mathematically proven that a random selection of 50 people has a 98%+ chance of having two people who share a birthday)
Since this requires such large numbers, I’ll pull up a spreadsheet and show my work later today or tomorrow. I think to solve this I’ll be adding the log10 of lots of numbers…
But the answer is x, where (x^100)/(x! / (x-100)!) = 0.5
This is exactly how I attacked the problem. Then, I used Stirling’s approximation to get rid of the factorials, and did some log manipulations to reduced it to a equation that was easily solved using a calculator and trial and error.